Customize your resources

Name and describe your resource, add an image, set location and group, define schedule, adjust timezone, manage booking options, and mark off-days for a streamlined booking experience.

Customizing resources in OskarOS involves tailoring various aspects like naming, describing, scheduling, and managing booking options. This process is designed for both flexibility and ease.

Step-by-step guide to customization features

Name your resource:

  • The name appears in your system and on your booking page. Choose a name that clearly represents your resource.

Brief description:

  • Provide a concise 40-character description. This appears below the resource’s name on your booking page and helps differentiate resources.

Extended description:

  • For more detailed information, use the extended description. It's visible in the 'Show details' section on your booking page.

Resource image:

  • Upload a 150x150 pixel image to enhance visual appeal. Keep the file size under 0.5MB for fast loading. Use to compress larger images.

Location details:

  • This can be a physical address or a URL for online events. It’s sent to clients after booking but not displayed on the booking page.

Grouping resources:

  • Group similar resources for easier navigation, particularly beneficial when managing numerous resources.

Setting the schedule:

  • Define available times for each day, from a few hours to all-day availability. Tailor this to fit various use-cases, as outlined in our specific use-case section.

Timezone settings:

  • This is set automatically but can be adjusted if your resource operates in a different timezone.

Managing booking options:

  • Customize how clients can book your resource. If unfamiliar with booking options, refer to our dedicated section.

Total availability and max booking per customer:

  • 'Total Availability' determines how often a resource can be booked.
  • 'Max Booking' limits the number of times a single customer can book.
  • The 'Show Availability to Customers' option lets them see available slots on your booking page.

Setting off-days:

  • Use this feature for days when your resource is unavailable, like holidays, maintenance days, or personal time off. This overrides regular scheduling.