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Setting a maximum limit on the number of bookings per customer

Limit the number of parallel bookings a clients can make for one resource.

Control the number of bookings a client can make for a specific resource by setting a maximum limit. This feature is useful for managing resource availability and ensuring fair access.

How to set maximum bookings per customer

  • Go to the Booking capacity section of your resource settings.

2. Enable multiple bookings

  • Activate the option for Multiple bookings. This allows more than one booking per session for the resource.

3. Set the maximum limit

  • In the Max bookings per customer field, specify the maximum number of times a customer can book this resource per session.
  • Set to 1 for allowing only one booking per customer.
  • Set higher if you wish to permit multiple bookings by the same customer for the same resource during a session.

Note on utilizing this feature

This setting helps manage the booking load on a particular resource, preventing overbooking and ensuring a balanced distribution of booking opportunities among all customers. It’s particularly useful in scenarios where resources are limited and demand is high.